Glittering Parchment
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Glittering Parchment is sold by vendors and is widely used in Dragon Isles Inscription.
Reagent for
- Blazing Fortune
[Bundle O' Cards: Dragon Isles]
[Cliffside Wylderdrake: Conical Head]
[Cliffside Wylderdrake: Red Hair]
[Cliffside Wylderdrake: Triple Head Horns]
[Contract: Artisan's Consortium]
- Contract: Dragonscale Expedition
- Contract: Iskaara Tuskarr
- Contract: Maruuk Centaur
- Contract: Valdrakken Accord
[Core Explorer's Compendium]
- Cracking Codex of the Isles
[Draconic Missive of Crafting Speed]
[Draconic Missive of Deftness]
[Draconic Missive of Finesse]
[Draconic Missive of Inspiration]
[Draconic Missive of Multicraft]
[Draconic Missive of Perception]
[Draconic Missive of Resourcefulness]
[Draconic Missive of the Aurora]
[Draconic Missive of the Feverflare]
[Draconic Missive of the Fireflash]
[Draconic Missive of the Harmonious]
[Draconic Missive of the Peerless]
[Draconic Missive of the Quickblade]
[Draconic Treatise on Alchemy]
[Draconic Treatise on Blacksmithing]
[Draconic Treatise on Enchanting]
[Draconic Treatise on Engineering]
[Draconic Treatise on Herbalism]
[Draconic Treatise on Inscription]
[Draconic Treatise on Jewelcrafting]
[Draconic Treatise on Leatherworking]
[Draconic Treatise on Mining]
[Draconic Treatise on Skinning]
[Draconic Treatise on Tailoring]
- Flourishing Fortune
- Highland Drake: Black Hair
- Highland Drake: Spined Crest
- Highland Drake: Spined Throat
[Illusion Parchment: Aqua Torrent]
[Illusion Parchment: Arcane Burst]
[Illusion Parchment: Chilling Wind]
[Illusion Parchment: Love Charm]
[Illusion Parchment: Magma Missile]
[Illusion Parchment: Shadow Orb]
[Illusion Parchment: Spell Shield]
- Illusion Parchment: Whirling Breeze
- Renewed Proto Drake: Bovine Horns
[Renewed Proto-Drake: Predator Pattern]
- Renewed Proto-Drake: Spined Crest
[Scroll of Sales]
- Serene Fortune
- Windborne Velocidrake: Black Hair
[Windborne Velocidrake: Spined Head]
[Windborne Velocidrake: Windswept Pattern]
Patch changes
Patch 10.0.2 (2022-11-15): Flavor text added.
Patch 10.0.0 (2022-10-25): Added.