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Draconic Missive of Deftness

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  • Draconic Missive of Deftness
  • Guarantee Deftness.
  • Optional Crafting Reagent
  • Sell Price: 5c

Draconic Missive of Deftness is an optional crafting reagent made with Dragon Isles Inscription that guarantees Deftness when it is used to create a handful of items from Dragon Isles Blacksmithing; taught by  [Technique: Draconic Missive of Deftness].

Materials required ( 45 50 55 ):
Inv inscription parchmentvar06.png 1x [Glittering Parchment] Inv 10 inscription ink color2.png 1x [Serene Ink]
Inv misc rune 10.png 1x [Chilled Rune]
Item level
Tier 1 385
Tier 2 400
Tier 3 415
Tier 4 NYI
Tier 5 NYI

Deftness modifier guaranteed when used to craft


Patch changes

External links
