Windborne Velocidrake: Windswept Pattern

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Windswept Pattern.

Windborne Velocidrake: Windswept Pattern is created with Dragon Isles Inscription (25); taught by  [Technique: Windborne Velocidrake: Windswept Pattern].

Materials required ( 25 25 37 50 ):
Inv 10 tailoring clothrare color3.png 15x [Wildercloth] Inv inscription parchmentvar06.png 5x [Glittering Parchment]
Shaman pvp ripplingwaters.png 8x [Iridescent Water] Inv misc scales dragonpaleviolet01.png 10x [Flawless Proto Dragon Scale]
Inv 10 elementalcombinedfoozles titan.png 4x [Awakened Order]

Patch changes

External links