Getting Battle-Ready

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AllianceGetting Battle-Ready
Start Thran Khorman
End Thran Khorman
Level 3 (Requires 3)
Category Warrior
Experience 130
Reputation +75 Ironforge
Previous  [Simple Rune]


Learn Charge from Thran Khorman, then use Charge on one of the Training Dummies outside the entrance to Anvilmar.


Lesson one. Aside from your sword and shield, what's the most important tool you have in your arsenal?

<Thran awaits your response.>

Oh never mind, I'll answer it for you. It's your mobility. One of the strengths of the warrior is the ability to get around the battlefield quickly. Here, <name>, I'll train you to use your legs to your advantage.


You will receive:


No, that's not a Charge. Try again.


Now we're getting somewhere. You've got quite a manly bellow, <sir/miss>!

Come back to me in a bit, and I'll teach you something else.


  1. A [1-30] Hold the Line!
  2. A [1-30] Give 'em What-For / A [1-30] Aid for the Wounded
  3. A [1-30] Lockdown in Anvilmar
  4. Complete all of:
  5. A [1-30] Whitebeard Needs Ye
  6. A [1-30] The Troll Menace / A [1-30] Trolling for Information
  7. A [1-30] Ice and Fire
  8. A [1-30] A Trip to Ironforge
  9. A [1-30] Follow that Gyro-Copter
  10. A [1-30] Pack Your Bags
  11. A [1-30] Don't Forget About Us

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