Aid for the Wounded

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For the Val'sharah beta quest, see N [100 - 110W] Aid For the Wounded.
AllianceAid for the Wounded
Start Sten Stoutarm [36.5, 70.4]
End Sten Stoutarm [36.5, 70.4]
Level 1-30 (Requires 1)
Category Coldridge Valley
Experience 170
Reputation +250 Ironforge
Rewards 35c (or 90c at max level)
Previous A [1-30] Hold the Line!
Next A [1-30] Lockdown in Anvilmar


Use Sten's First Aid Kit on 4 Wounded Coldridge Mountaineers.


<name>, listen! Unlike Joren, I've no need for yer blade, but I do need someone with a steady hand and a bit o' courage.

Our mountaineers are trained to protect from the odd wolf attack... not an all-out trogg invasion! Many of our best have succumbed to wounds and exhaustion, and I need yer help bandaging them up.

Here, take my first aid kit and assist as many as ye can.


You will receive: 35c (or 90c at max level)


Thanks for yer help, <name>.


Many of those that y'saved have already made it back to camp. The wounds're well-dressed! Ye might have a future in first aid, if ye're into that sorta thing.


Head out into the field. There are plenty of wounded mountaineers suffering attacks from Rockjaw Goons. Kill the goons and heal the mountaineers.

  • Yer a lifesaver! For Ironforge!
  • Thanks! I can make it from here.
  • Ahh, much better. I owe ya one.


  1. A [1-30] Hold the Line!
  2. A [1-30] Give 'em What-For / A [1-30] Aid for the Wounded
  3. A [1-30] Lockdown in Anvilmar
  4. Complete all of:
  5. A [1-30] Whitebeard Needs Ye
  6. A [1-30] The Troll Menace / A [1-30] Trolling for Information
  7. A [1-30] Ice and Fire
  8. A [1-30] A Trip to Ironforge
  9. A [1-30] Follow that Gyro-Copter
  10. A [1-30] Pack Your Bags
  11. A [1-30] Don't Forget About Us

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