Get Rich Quick

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NeutralGet Rich Quick
Start Ponzo [58.1, 53.8]
End Ponzo [58.1, 53.8]
Level 70 (Requires 70)
Category Zaralek Cavern
Experience 9,500
Rewards  [Barter Brick]
10x [Flightstones]
28g 9s
Previous N [70] Welcome to the City of Smells


Get the citizens of Loamm to order some Ponzo's Cream and Glimmerogg Timeshare Vouchers.


Uplander! I have a question for you.

Do you want to wear an expensive hat like mine? Own the best snails in town? Enjoy the good life?

If the answer is yes, you're ready to make more wealth than you've ever dreamed of! style!

Together we can both be rich! Of course I'm already rich, but you can be too!

Just take these items I have here and show them around town. I'll cut you in for a share of the profits for every order you get.


You will receive:


Did you get any orders?


You did great! I even have a bonus for you.

Now you can buy more things from me and sell as much as you want. Every sale you make makes us both richer.


Look for the Loamm Citizens all around town marked on the minimap and speak with them.

Citizen 1
I worked for Ponzo once.
He promised to sell me his nice hat, but the price was too high, and he paid me pebbles for the work.
  • Gossip Could I interest you in ordering a jar of Ponzo's Cream?
Hah! I sold hundreds of jars of that cream. It does nothing.
  • Gossip Could I interest you in a Glimmerogg Timeshare Voucher?
Oh, that does sound nice!
I'll send a Barter Brick to Ponzo right away!
Citizen 2
How would you like to buy a jar of Ponzo's Cream?
You buy this, and I am one Barter Stone closer to getting Ponzo's Hat, maybe his snail too!
  • Gossip I don't want to buy any cream.
You should think it over. A case of twelve jars could do wonders for your appearance.
  • Gossip Could I interest you in ordering a jar of Ponzo's Cream?
Is this before or after you buy some cream from me?
  • Gossip Could I interest you in a Glimmerogg Timeshare Voucher?
I could use that!
I need a place to store all the inventory of Ponzo's Cream I have.
Citizen 3
Ponzo's got a <race> selling his goods now?
  • Gossip Could I interest you in ordering a jar of Ponzo's Cream?
Is that cream a dessert topping or do you rub it on your face?
  • Gossip Yes!
Then I better order two jars, and try it both ways!
  • Gossip I am not sure.
Then I better order two jars, and try it both ways!
  • Gossip Could I interest you in a Glimmerogg Timeshare Voucher?
You're too late, some goblin just sold me that a few minutes ago.
Citizen 4
Hello, there sure are a lot of strangers in town, all trying to sell me things.
  • Gossip Could I interest you in ordering a jar of Ponzo's Cream?
No, thank you, I bought some before, and it did not work!
Ponzo promised the cream would remove ugly moles, but my mother-in-law is still here.
  • Gossip Could I interest you in a Glimmerogg Timeshare Voucher?
A chance to get away from the family? I will buy that!
I will send a Barter Brick over to Ponzo right away!
Citizen 5
So the rumor is true!
You're the new employee, the one that going to finally get Ponzo's hat!
  • Gossip Could I interest you in ordering a jar of Ponzo's Cream?
I'll buy a jar!
Anything to help you get Ponzo's Hat. I want to see the look on his face when you buy it right off his head!
  • Gossip Could I interest you in a Glimmerogg Timeshare Voucher?
Glimmerogg? Oh no, I'm not too fond of snail racing. The action is just too fast for me.


  1. N [70] The Land Beneath
  2. N [70] A Crack in the World
  3. N [70] Where the Flames Fell
  4. N [70] Scar of Earth and Fire
  5. N [70] The Patience of Princes
  6. N [70] Culling the Deep & N [70] It Was Not Enough
  7. N [70] Niffen and Goliath
  8. N [70] Brother's Keeper
  9. N [70] Secrets From Our Father
  10. N [70] The Earth Gives Way
  11. N [70] Smells Like Loamm
  12. N [70] Orientation: Loamm Niffen & N [70] Welcome to the City of Smells
  13. N [70] Six Hundred Feet Under

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