Power Unified

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NeutralPower Unified
Start Examiner Tae'shara Bloodwatcher
End Examiner Tae'shara Bloodwatcher
Level 70 (Requires 70)
Category Spark of Shadowflame
Experience 9,500
Reputation +250 Dragonscale Expedition
Rewards 2x  [Splintered Spark of Shadowflame]
28g 9s
Previous N [70] Six Hundred Feet Under


Find another Splintered Spark of Shadowflame.


Fortune has favored our exploration, <name>! We have discovered something that may prove useful to you.

It is half of a Spark of Shadowflame. It's unfortunately just a shard and not powerful on its own, but should you locate the other piece and unite them, the spark could serve as a powerful reagent in your craft work.

Find another Splintered Spark of Shadowflame. Unite both pieces to unlock their full potential.


You will receive:


Did you find the other half of the spark?


Excellent! If you find other splintered sparks, combine them to enhance your craft work!


Tae'shara has some useful gossip here:

The smell here will take some getting used to.
Gossip Where can I find Splintered Sparks of Shadowflame?
An excellent question.
The niffen call Zaralek Cavern their home. If you wish to merely use the sparks' power as you explore, they may be able to guide you in your effort to find some if you help them in return.
I have also heard that Malicia in Valdrakken has quite a collection of powerful items... If you wish to use the sparks in battle, perhaps proving yourself against your fellow adventurers in combat will convince her to part with one?
Make your decision prudently. They are a scarce commodity, and you will only be able to select one until more are recovered.

The flavor text on the splintered spark points to N [70W] A Worthy Ally: Loamm Niffen, and Malicia's weekly PvP quests. Only one splintered spark can be obtained per week.


  1. N [70] The Land Beneath
  2. N [70] A Crack in the World
  3. N [70] Where the Flames Fell
  4. N [70] Scar of Earth and Fire
  5. N [70] The Patience of Princes
  6. N [70] Culling the Deep & N [70] It Was Not Enough
  7. N [70] Niffen and Goliath
  8. N [70] Brother's Keeper
  9. N [70] Secrets From Our Father
  10. N [70] The Earth Gives Way
  11. N [70] Smells Like Loamm
  12. N [70] Orientation: Loamm Niffen & N [70] Welcome to the City of Smells
  13. N [70] Six Hundred Feet Under


  • During the PTR, the quest was named The Power of the Whole.

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