Frostwolf Shaman (Rumble)

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WAR Team Horde.pngFrostwolf Shaman
Inventory SlotBG Horde.png
Statue Shaman Pose.png


WAR GoldCurrency Logo.png
CombatHUD UnitLevels 4.png
Family WAR Team Horde.png Horde
Cost 4 WAR GoldCurrency Logo.png
Type Troop
Traits Elemental, Healer, Ranged, One-Target
* = Base value, increases with level
Damage* 60
Health* 480
DPS* 22
Attack Speed 1.5
Healing* 80
Range 8
Speed Medium
Warcraft Rumble-logo.png
This article contains information related to Warcraft Rumble, which is considered non-canon.

“Why choose between Ranged damage and Healing when you can have both? Elemental mastery to heal and harm!”

The Frostwolf Shaman is a ranged ground unit of the Horde family. Able to attack from ranged, the Shaman also tosses healing at nearby damaged allies; making her an all around valuable unit. While she is not extremely durable on her own, the shaman can keep bulkier units alive longer; and her ranged status should typically keep her away from big threats that could attack her head on.


  • WARTraitElemental.png Elemental: Deals elemental damage. Strong vs Armored.
  • WARTraitHealer.png Healer: Heals friendly units.
  • WARTraitRanged.png Ranged: Attacks enemies from a distance.
  • WARTraitOne-Target.png One-Target: Strong vs AoE units.



Earthwall Totem

Once per deploy, place a totem that partially heals a nearby tower or base.
Costs 250 Coins.

Lightning Mastery

Ranged attack chains to 3 nearby targets.
Costs 250 Coins.

Earth Shield

Grant Armored to a nearby ally. Ability has 1 charge.
Costs 250 Coins.


External links