Cairne Bloodhoof (Rumble)

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WAR Team Horde.pngCairne Bloodhoof
Inventory SlotBG Horde.png
Statue Cairne Pose.png


WAR GoldCurrency Logo.png
CombatHUD UnitLevels 5.png
Family WAR Team Horde.png Horde
Cost 5 WAR GoldCurrency Logo.png
Type Leader
Traits Tank, Attack Stun, Melee, AoE
* = Base value, increases with level
Area Damage* 160
Health* 1700
DPS* 64
Attack Speed 2.5
Warcraft Rumble-logo.png
This article contains information related to Warcraft Rumble, which is considered non-canon.

“The original Elite Tauren Chieftain.”

Cairne Bloodhoof is a melee ground unit of the Horde family in Warcraft Rumble. Cairne is one of the tankiest leaders in the game and comes with a powerful AoE attack. On top of this, any troop struck by his attack is stunned. This allows for him to control entire lanes on his own, with his leader ability also making other Horde troops tankier as a result.

Leader Ability


Earthen Might

Your Horde troops have 20% increased Health.


  • WARTraitTank.png Tank: High health unit. Good at soaking Tower damage.
  • WARTraitAttackStun.png Attack Stun: Attack stuns enemies.
  • WARTraitMelee.png Melee: Strong vs Ranged units.
  • WARTraitAoE.png AoE: Strong vs Squad units.




After death, Resurrect at 50% health, once.
Costs 250 Coins.


Move 50% faster and gain the Fast trait.
Costs 250 Coins.


When Stun expires, affected enemies are Dazed for 5 seconds.
Costs 250 Coins.


External links