Chain Lightning (Rumble)

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WAR Team Horde.pngChain Lightning
Inventory SlotBG Horde.png
Statue ChainLightning Pose.png


WAR GoldCurrency Logo.png
CombatHUD UnitLevels 2.png
Family WAR Team Horde.png Horde
Cost 2 WAR GoldCurrency Logo.png
Type Spell
Traits Cycle, Elemental, Spell, AoE
* = Base value, increases with level
Area Damage* 150
Radius 5
Warcraft Rumble-logo.png
This article contains information related to Warcraft Rumble, which is considered non-canon.

“Swarmed by Squads of smaller foes? Send a surge of lightning sizzling through several enemies!”

Chain Lightning is a spell of the Horde family in Warcraft Rumble. It deals damage to a target, then jumps to another nearby target, repeating until it has hit all enemy units within its radius. It deals less damage than most other damaging spells, but its low cost makes it highly efficient for clearing out groups of fragile troops such as Angry Chickens or Vultures.


  • WARTraitCycle.png Cycle: 2 cost or less for more Mini plays!
  • WARTraitElemental.png Elemental: Deals elemental damage. Strong vs Armored.
  • WARTraitSpell.png Spell: Cast anywhere on the map.
  • WARTraitAoE.png AoE: Strong vs Squad units.



Brilliant Flash

On deploy, Stun enemies within for 1 second.
Costs 250 Coins.

Storm's Reach

Dramatically increase jump distance between targets.
Costs 250 Coins.


Can be cast a second time.
Costs 250 Coins.


External links