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Freysworn Letitia

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NeutralFreysworn Letitia
Image of Freysworn Letitia
Gender Female
Race Earthen (Humanoid)
Level 70-80
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Earthen
Location Thul Medran, Isle of Dorn
Status Alive

Freysworn Letitia is an earthen located in a cave at the base of Thul Medran on the Isle of Dorn. She is found with a stone giant stuck in the ground and a group of Pearlescent Shellcrabs.



This tree is a marvel! It was a bit peaky, but as soon as that crab appeared, some color came back to its leaves. Very strange!

If I had more of those crabs. maybe I .could cheer it up. Seems they like trees!

Gossip How can I help?

Letitia provides a  [Crab-Guiding Branch].

Patch changes

External links