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Forsaken Commoner

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HordeForsaken Commoner
Image of Forsaken Commoner
Gender Both
Race Forsaken (Humanoid)
Level 1-70
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Undercity
Occupation Commoner
Location Undercity

Forsaken Commoners are Forsaken located in the center of Undercity.



Dark Portal Opens

I hear our new allies will be joining us here. Fighting alongside elves... Just like old times.


This entire holiday is nonsensical. Colored eggs and "life affirmation," bah.


No other holiday matches the feasting and drinking of Brewfest!

  • Here's to the Horde!
  • To Brewfest!
Hallow's End

During Hallow's End we celebrate the day that the Banshee Queen herself delivered us from the clutches of the Lich King and the Scourge. Be sure to attend the Wickerman Festival that is held each evening outside Undercity.

  • NOW is the time of the Forsaken!
  • Happy Hallow's End!
  • Next year, I'm dressing up as either a corsair or an assassin.
  • Waaah! I don't want to die! I want to live forever! It's not fair!
  • We should attend the next burning of the Wickerman.
  • What do you think of the mask?
Dead of the Dead
During the Day of the Dead, people gather in graveyards to celebrate with and cherish the spirits of those they have lost.
You can find the festivities in the cemeteries of any major city, where you'll be able to cook, dance, don costumes, and more.
Pilgrim's Bounty

Why do we celebrate Pilgrim's Bounty...? Who can say. Habit, I suppose. I certainly can't taste any of it.

Pumpkin pie, virulent plagues... Does it really matter WHAT we're cooking up?

Feast of Winter Veil

We still go through the motions, but the feast of Winter Veil feels empty now. In Orgrimmar they have the true celebration.

Lunar Festival

To many of the Forsaken, the moon now holds the place in our hearts where sun once resided. However, if you choose to join the celebration, go to Moonglade in Kalimdor. You'll find druids in the throne room above Undercity that will transport you there.

Forsaken Commoner says: Legend says that the great beast Omen sleeps in the waters of Lake Elune'ara in Moonglade, only to appear once a year. But that's just a legend.

Love is in the Air
  • I can't wait to try the chocolates at the Gala of Gifts!
  • There's just something special about showing others how much they mean to you.
  • I better hurry to the Gala of Gifts before everything is sold out!
Love is in the Air specific gossip, Female/Male
  • Did you hear what happened to the Crown Chemical Co.? I can't believe I ever wore their perfumes.
  • Did you hear what happened to the Crown Chemical Co.? I can't believe I ever wore their colognes.

Patch changes

External links