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Foreign Fog

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NeutralForeign Fog
Start Noli Marlen
End Noli Marlen
Level 73-75
Category The Ringing Deeps
Experience 10,400
Rewards 23g 40s
Shareable Yes
Previous N [73-75] The High Speaker's Secret
Next N [73-75] Fog Tags, N [73-75] Unnatural Predators
A fog collector and Frenzied Glowmites

Foreign Fog begins an optional chapter of the Ringing Deeps storyline, available after completing the Dark Revelations chapter of the campaign. Noli Marlen is waiting outside the northern end of Taelloch, just north of Camp Murroch in south-central Ringing Deeps.


Place the fog collector and collect fog samples from different areas occupied by fog beasts.

  • First fog site reached
  • First fog collector filled (100)
  • Second fog site reached
  • Second fog sample collected (100)
  • Third fog site reached
  • Third fog sample collected (100)


Pleasure to meet you, adventurer. I wonder if you might be willing to help me with some research?

I'm sure you've noticed the fog beasts that have recently started encroaching upon this area. I've been interested in these creatures for years--ever since they first showed up in Pandaria.

People see them as a bad omen, since they always seem to show up during periods of ecological imbalance. I've been hired to find out where they're coming from so we can cut them off at the source.


You will receive:

  • 23g 40s
  • 10,400 XP


Have you collected the fog samples?


Excellent! I'll start evaluating these samples right away.


On accept:

Noli Marlen says: Here are three fog collection devices, When you get to the locations I've marked on your map, place the device.
Noli Marlen says: Then, just wait for it to fill up with fog! And if any Of those fog beasts attack, well... you'll have to defend yourself.

Head north down into the ravine to find the first spot:

Noli Marlen says: Perfect, that's the spot! Now just place the fog collector and let it do its thing. Stay close, though! It needs to be monitored.

Use the extra action button that appears:

Place Fog Collector — Place Noli's fog collector to start siphoning fog samples from the area.

Place it to aggro waves of Frenzied Glowmites:

Noli Marlen says: Huh. I expected it might aggravate the fog beasts. I did not expect it to attract glowmites.

Don't wander too far off:

Noli Marlen says: Oops! You got too far away from the collector. You'll have to place it again to finish the job.

Let the bar hit 100%:

Noli Marlen says: Excellent, that's one down! The next spot is in the Rumbling Wastes.

Rinse and repeat at the marked spot further north in the Rumbling Wastes:

Noli Marlen says: Easy, right! Only one more. This one might be... a little more dangerous. It's inside Taelloch,
Noli Marlen says: I know, I know. Dangerous and overrun with skardyn. But there's a high concentration of fog! There's no way around it.

Head back south to Noli, then take a left to enter Taelloch. Clear out the enemies, then place the fog collector once more:

Noli Marlen says: Okay, those are worse than fireflies. But nothing you can't handle, right?

Waves of two Deepflayer Hunters attack. Fend them off:

Noli Marlen says: That's all the samples! Easy! Well, easy for me. Haha. Sorry. You can come back now.


  1. N [73-75] Foreign Fog
  2. N [73-75] Fog Tags & N [73-75] Unnatural Predators
  3. N [73-75] Fog Follower

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