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Fog Follower

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NeutralFog Follower
Start Noli Marlen
End Noli Marlen
Level 73-75
Category The Ringing Deeps
Experience 10,400
Rewards 23g 40s
Previous N [73-75] Fog Tags, N [73-75] Unnatural Predators
Noli Marlen and the fog trail


Help Noli find the source of the fog beasts with her mist tracking ability.

  • Find and follow the fog trail
  • Noli followed
  • Photo taken


With the trackers attached, we should be able to find out where the fog beasts are coming from. The trackers leave a residue in the air. It's invisible to the naked eye, but I can use the mists to reveal it in places where there's a high enough concentration.

Theoretically, this should lead us to the places they most frequent. Maybe a nest! That I'll then have to report to my employer... hm.

Anyway. Let's see what we can find.


You will receive:

  • 23g 40s
  • 10,400 XP


Wow. I mean, wow! We learned so much in so little time! But now, I'm supposed to report this to people who want them gone...

I think people are wrong about the fog beasts. They don't attack unless threatened. And even when we entered their nest, they teleported us away safely.

We haven't even had time to talk about the fact that they can do that kind of magic!


Noli Marlen, her camera, and a nest of Fog Forms, Fog Sowers, and Fog Withers

On accept, Noli joins the party and will follow the player:

Noli Marlen says: Okay! Use the fog tracer and it should reveal any residue left behind by the fog beasts.

Use the provided extra action button:

Fog Tracer — Reveals nearby traces left by the fog beasts. (1.5 sec cooldown)
Noli Marlen says: Look! It worked! We have to follow the trail. Keep using the fog tracer to reveal more.

The trail leads down into the Living Grotto, but stops at water's edge:

Noli Marlen says: Hmm. Looks like the traces stop at the waters edge. I guess the water washed away the residue. Maybe check the other side of the river?

Hop across the river a few times while spamming the Fog Tracer to the west down the trail to Azj-Kahet.

Noli Marlen says: Look! It goes off the cliff and around the corner here. We'll have to fly to follow it. Come on!
Noli flies off.

Follow her clockwise to the west to come across a nest of Fog Forms, Fog Sowers, and Fog Withers:

Noli Marlen says: It's them! I've never seen so many in one place! This must be their nest. But how are they traveling from here to the rest of the Deeps?
Noli Marlen says: Quickly, <name>. And quietly! We have to take a photo.

Interact with Noli's Camera to take the shot, but the flash was on:

Noli Marlen says: Oh no! I forgot the flash was on!
Noli Marlen says: Please, we mean no harm! Don't hurt us!
The screen fades to white. On the other side of a loading screen, the player and Noli are 100 yards up above a pond in the Ancient Falls, just south of Camp Murroch.
Noli Marlen says: Aaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhh!
Noli Marlen says: ...Huh.
Noli swims to shore.
Noli Marlen says: We're... outside Camp Murroch. They could have killed us. But they didn't,
She runs uphill in the direction of camp.
Noli Marlen says: Let's dry off at the camp, then we'll talk.

Catch up with Noli inside the inn (say hi to the Shoeduck! It's a duck! It has shoes!) and warm up.

On complete:

Noli Marlen says: You know, I've been thinking...
Noli Marlen says: It's a real shame we weren't able to find out where the fog beasts are coming from. Right, <name>?
Noli Marlen says: I guess we'll just have to learn to live with them.


  1. N [73-75] Foreign Fog
  2. N [73-75] Fog Tags & N [73-75] Unnatural Predators
  3. N [73-75] Fog Follower

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