Foaming Sea Elemental

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MobFoaming Sea Elemental
Image of Foaming Sea Elemental
Race Sea elemental (Elemental)
Level 1-30
Resource Mana
Reaction Alliance Horde
Location Durotar
Status Killable

Foaming Sea Elementals can be found along Scuttle Coast in Durotar. After the coast was wiped out during the Cataclysm, these elementals came charging out of the sea, proving a threat to the surrounding area. Gar'Thok sent soldiers to cull their numbers but the elementals proved too strong.


  • Spell frost frostbolt.png Water Bolt 25 yd yd range — Hurls a watery bolt at an enemy, inflicting moderate Frost damage.
  • Spell frost summonwaterelemental.png Wave Crash 20 yd yd range — Deals Frost damage.

Objective of

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