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Image of Feroz
Gender Male
Race Broker (Humanoid)
Level 60
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Enlightened
Location Outside Catalyst Wards[48.08, 75.16] and Catalyst Gardens entrance,[47.68, 79.87] Zereth Mortis
Status Active

Feroz is an Enlightened broker from Pilgrim's Grace who aids in the Forging a New Path chapter of the Zereth Mortis campaign. Of the Enlightened in Pilgrim's Grace, he is the most knowledgeable about the Creation Catalyst.[1]

Elder Ara and the Maw Walker seek him out outside the Catalyst Wards to ask him how to use the Catalyst to repair the Conduction Remnants, but he reveals that his fellow pilgrims have been trapped by the plants and overgrown automa inside the Wards.[2] He asks the Maw Walker to save the pilgrims[3] and gather energized samples from the plants so they can use the energy for their own purposes.[4] Feroz and Ara then move to the entrance of the Catalyst Gardens, where they are joined by venthyr reinforcements. He ultimately creates a potion of Progenitor growth energy and gives it to the Maw Walker, allowing them to defeat the automa guarding the way to the Catalyst.[5] He disappears after the questline.


  1. N [60] Pluck from the Vines and N [60] Root of the Problem AvailablequestActivequest
  2. N [60] Herbal Remedies and N [60] Unchecked Growth AvailablequestActivequest
  3. N [60] Flora Frenzy AvailablequestActivequest


Main article: In the Weeds#Notes
Main article: Pluck from the Vines#Notes
Main article: Flora Frenzy#Notes
Catalyst Wards
I managed to escape... but I left so many behind.
Catalyst Gardens
The level of energy surging through the Creation Catalyst is dangerously high!


  • Despite being an Enlightened lorewise, Feroz is not a member of the Enlightened reputation faction.

Patch changes


External links

Phase 1 Phase 2 Phase 3