Fel Magus Quorvir

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MobFel Magus Quorvir
Image of Fel Magus Quorvir
Gender Male
Race Eredar (Demon)
Level 46 Elite
Class Mage
Resource Mana
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Burning Legion
Location Band of Transmutation, Oculus
Status Killable

Fel Magus Quorvir is an eredar located in the Band of Transmutation in the Oculus during N Mage [45] Into the Oculus. He is keeping Archmage Vargoth imprisoned.


  • Spell fire felimmolation.png Felscorch — Increases Fire damage taken.
  • Spell fire felflamebolt.png Incinerating Blast — Hurl a devastating ball of fel fire at an enemy, inflicting Fire damage.
  • Spell fel incinerate.png Soulflame — Burn the soul of your enemy, inflicting Fire damage and increasing Fire damage taken for 8 sec.

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