Fe-Feng tribe

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Chief Ruk-Ruk.
Main leader IconSmall Hozen.gif Ruk-Ruk
Race(s) Hozen Hozen
Base of operations Fe-Feng Village
Theater of operations Wandering Isle
Status Active

The Fe-Feng are a tribe of hozen located on the Wandering Isle.


They usually kept to themselves, but when Shen-zin Su started being dragged toward the Maelstrom, the monkeys knew something bad was coming,[1] so they started giving trouble to the local pandaren:

Because of this, Ji Firepaw and his Huojin dealt with them by force.



Name Role Status Location
Mob  Ruk-Ruk <Fe-Feng Chief> Chief Killable Fe-Feng Village, Wandering Isle



  • In the early beta of the game, they were simply known as the Hozen tribe, in the sense that they were called "Hozen Firethieves", "Hozen Leapers", etc.


  1. ^ a b N IconSmall Pandaren Male.gifIconSmall Pandaren Female.gif [1-20] The Way of the Huojin
  2. ^ N IconSmall Pandaren Male.gifIconSmall Pandaren Female.gif [1-20] Rewritten Wisdoms
  3. ^ N IconSmall Pandaren Male.gifIconSmall Pandaren Female.gif [1-20] Monkey Advisory Warning