Eye of Azshara: The Tidestone of Golganneth

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NeutralEye of Azshara: The Tidestone of Golganneth
Start  [Tidestone of Golganneth]
End  [Tidestone of Golganneth]
Level 10-45
Category Dalaran
Experience 14,800
Reputation +250 Court of Farondis
Rewards  [Hardshell Greatbelt],
 [Brightscale Waistguard],
 [Bitterbrine Binding],
or  [Waistband of the Hatecoil Oracles]
19g 40s
Previous N [10-45D] Eye of Azshara: Wrath of Azshara
Next N [10-45] Pressing the Assault,
N [10-45] Isle Hopping,
N [10-45] Scouring What Remains,
or N [10-45] Master of the Isles


Use the central teleporter in Dalaran and then place the Tidestone of Golganneth in the Portrait Room of the Chamber of the Guardian.


<Now that you have defeated Queen Azshara's Wrath and have the Tidestone in hand, it is time to place it in the Portrait Room of the Chamber of the Guardian in lower Dalaran.>


You will receive one of these rewards: 19g 40s
Inv belt plate legionquest100 b 01.png [Hardshell Greatbelt] Inv belt mail legionquest100 b 01.png [Brightscale Waistguard]
Inv belt leather legionquest100 b 01.png [Bitterbrine Binding] Inv belt cloth legionquest100 b 01.png [Waistband of the Hatecoil Oracles]


<Archmage Khadgar has set aside a space here for the Tidestone of Golganneth, as well as the rest of the Pillars of Creation.>


Prince Farondis teleports in by the right corner of the pedestal, turning to look at the Tidestone.
Prince Farondis says: It has been ages since I have seen the Tidestone whole, but there it stands.
He turns to you and bows.
Prince Farondis says: I and my people owe you a debt of gratitude that we can never repay.
Prince Farondis says: Please return to Azsuna as soon as you can. There is much yet left to do, <name>.
Channeling, Farondis teleports away.




Patch changes

  • Legion-Logo-Small.png Patch 7.1.5 (2017-01-10): All dungeon and raid quests from Legion and onwards are now prefaced with the name of the instance before the quest name.
  • Legion-Logo-Small.png Patch 7.0.3 (2016-07-19): Added.

External links