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Not to be confused with Teleportation Pad or Lightforged beacon.

Teleports are a useful line of utility spells that allow the caster to quickly transport themselves to another friendly location (with most spells transporting to a capital city).



Mage visual effect at end of cast as of patch 11.0.0.
Mage spells
Destination Faction Level Cost
Teleport: Darnassus Darnassus Alliance 21 51s
Teleport: Exodar Exodar Alliance 21 51s
Teleport: Ironforge Ironforge Alliance 21 51s
Teleport: Orgrimmar Orgrimmar Horde 21 51s
Teleport: Silvermoon Silvermoon City Horde 21 51s
Teleport: Stonard Stonard[1] Horde 23 2g 25s
Teleport: Stormwind Stormwind City Alliance 21 51s
Teleport: Theramore Theramore Isle[1] Alliance 21 51s
Teleport: Thunder Bluff Thunder Bluff Horde 21 51s
Teleport: Undercity Undercity Horde 21 51s
Teleport: Shattrath Shattrath City Neutral 25 8g 10s
Teleport: Dalaran - Northrend Dalaran - Northrend Neutral 25 Free[2] or 15g
Teleport: Tol Barad Tol Barad Neutral 32 28g 20s
Ancient Teleport: Dalaran Dalaran Crater Neutral 35 Free[3]
Teleport: Vale of Eternal Blossoms Shrine of Seven Stars Alliance 21 42g 30s
Teleport: Vale of Eternal Blossoms Shrine of Two Moons Horde 21 42g 30s
Teleport: Stormshield Stormshield Alliance 21 63g 50s
Teleport: Warspear Warspear Horde 21 63g 50s
Teleport: Hall of the Guardian Hall of the Guardian Neutral 10 Free[4]
Teleport: Dalaran - Broken Isles Dalaran - Broken Isles Neutral 21 50g
Teleport: Boralus Boralus Alliance 21 75g
Teleport: Dazar'alor Dazar'alor Horde 21 75g
Teleport: Oribos Oribos Neutral 58 ?
Teleport: Valdrakken Valdrakken Neutral 62 16g 80s
Non-mage spells
Destination Spell name Class Faction Level Source Notes
Moonglade [Teleport: Moonglade] Druid Neutral 22 automatically learned
Emerald Dreamway [Dreamwalk] Druid Neutral 22 N Druid [10-45] To The Dreamgrove Once learned, replaces [Teleport: Moonglade].
[Demonic Circle] [Demonic Circle: Teleport] Warlock Neutral 41 automatically learned
<home location> [Astral Recall] Shaman Neutral 32 automatically learned 10 minute cooldown.
Does not share cooldowns with  [Hearthstone].
Ebon Hold [Death Gate] Death Knight Neutral 10 N Death Knight [8-30] The Light of Dawn Creates a gate that allows the player to teleport.
Peak of Serenity [Zen Pilgrimage] Monk Neutral 11 automatically learned When teleported to the Peak of Serenity using Zen Pilgrimage, the spell will turn into Zen Pilgrimage: Return. This allows you to return to the graveyard nearest your original departure point.
Temple of Five Dawns [Zen Pilgrimage] Monk Neutral 11 N Monk [10-45] The Dawning Light Replaces the destination of [Zen Pilgrimage] upon quest completion.
  1. ^ a b Added in patch 2.4.2
  2. ^ Mages learn the teleport after completing B Mage [10-30] Attunement to Dalaran
  3. ^ After defeating Flameweaver Koegler, mages can loot an  [Ancient Tome of Teleport: Dalaran] from an Ancient Tome on a bookshelf in the Athenaeum in the Scarlet Halls, which teaches this spell.
  4. ^ Mages learn the teleport after completing N Mage [10-45] The Champion's Return

Teleport items

There are several items from that can be purchased, crafted by profession, or obtained in various locations that can be used to teleport individuals around the world.

Item Destination Level Source Cost Cooldown Notes
 [Scroll of Recall] <home location> 1 Inscription 20 minutes Requires Inscription to use.

Won't return to home location past level 40

 [Scroll of Recall II] <home location> 35 Inscription 20 minutes Requires Inscription to use.

Won't return to home location past level 70

 [Scroll of Recall III] <home location> 65 Northrend Inscription 20 minutes Requires Inscription to use.
 [Darnarian's Scroll of Teleportation] Shattrath City 70 N [25-30 Daily] Know Your Ley Lines 20 seconds Only usable on the Isle of Quel'Danas.
 [Potion of Deepholm] Deepholm 31 Cataclysm Alchemy 1 minute Alchemy not required to use.
 [Lorewalker's Lodestone] <random active Dig site in Pandaria> Tan Shin Tiao, Brann Bronzebeard 1 Restored Artifact 30 minutes Requires Exalted with The Lorewalkers
 [Draenor Archaeologist's Lodestone] <random active Dig site in Draenor> Grakis, Srikka 1 Restored Artifact 30 minutes Requires Exalted with Arakkoa Outcasts
 [Scroll of Town Portal: Faronaar] Faronaar, Azsuna 45 Small Treasure Chests in Suramar 1 minute, 30 seconds
 [Scroll of Town Portal: Kal'delar] Kal'delar, Val'sharah 45 Small Treasure Chests in Suramar 1 minute, 30 seconds
 [Scroll of Town Portal: Lian'tril] Lian'tril, Highmountain 45 Small Treasure Chests in Suramar 1 minute, 30 seconds
 [Scroll of Town Portal: Sashj'tar] Sashj'tar, Suramar 45 Small Treasure Chests in Suramar 1 minute, 30 seconds
 [Scroll of Town Portal: Shala'nir] Shala'nir, Val'sharah 45 Small Treasure Chests in Suramar 1 minute, 30 seconds
 [Ultrasafe Transporter: Mechagon] Rustbolt Junkyard Tinkering 1 minute
Item Destination Faction Slot Level Source Cost Cooldown Notes
 [Shroud of Cooperation] Stormwind Alliance Back 35  [A Class Act] 8 Hours
 [Shroud of Cooperation] Orgrimmar Horde Back 35  [A Class Act] 8 Hours
 [Wrap of Unity] Stormwind Alliance Back 35  [Guild Level 15] 4 Hours
 [Wrap of Unity] Orgrimmar Horde Back 35  [Guild Level 15] 4 Hours
 [Cloak of Coordination] Stormwind Alliance Back 35  [Master Crafter] 2 Hours
 [Cloak of Coordination] Orgrimmar Horde Back 35  [Master Crafter] 2 Hours
 [Band of the Kirin Tor] Dalaran - Northrend Neutral Ring 80 Harold Winston 8,500g 30 minutes
 [Loop of the Kirin Tor] Dalaran - Northrend Neutral Ring 80 Harold Winston 8,500g 30 minutes
 [Ring of the Kirin Tor] Dalaran - Northrend Neutral Ring 80 Harold Winston 8,500g 30 minutes
 [Signet of the Kirin Tor] Dalaran - Northrend Neutral Ring 80 Harold Winston 8,500g 30 minutes
 [Empowered Ring of the Kirin Tor] Dalaran - Broken Isles Neutral Ring 101 Sminx Glasseye 250,000g 30 minutes
 [Argent Crusader's Tabard] Argent Tournament Grounds Neutral Tabard 78[1] Dame Evniki Kapsalis 50 Champion's Seal 30 minutes Requires Alliance  [Exalted Argent Champion of the Alliance]
or Horde  [Exalted Argent Champion of the Horde].
 [Baradin's Wardens Tabard] Baradin Base Camp, Tol Barad Peninsula Alliance Tabard Quartermaster Brazie 40 Tol Barad Commendation 4 hours Requires Honored with Baradin's Wardens.
 [Hellscream's Reach Tabard] Hellscream's Grasp, Tol Barad Peninsula Horde Tabard Pogg 40 Tol Barad Commendation 4 hours Requires Honored with Hellscream's Reach.
 [Boots of the Bay] Booty Bay Neutral Feet 1 Reward for winning Stranglethorn Fishing Extravaganza 1 day Requires Northrend Fishing.
 [Ruby Slippers] <home location> Neutral Feet 70 Wizard of Oz 30 minutes Shared cooldown[2]
 [Astonishingly Scarlet Slippers] <home location> Neutral Feet 101 Opera Hall: Wikket 30 minutes Shared cooldown[2]
 [Mountebank's Colorful Cloak] <home location> Neutral Back 120 Trixie & Naeno 1 day
 [Blessed Medallion of Karabor] Black Temple Neutral Neck 70 N [30R] The Fall of the Betrayer 15 minutes
 [Time-Lost Artifact] Timeless Isle Neutral Trinket 90 Mistweaver Ku 7,500 Timeless Coin 1 minute Requires Honored with Emperor Shaohao.
Frostwolf Insignia Rank 1-6 Frostwolf Keep Horde Trinket 51 H [20-80] Proving Grounds quest chain Ranks 1-4: 2 minutes
Rank 6: None
Can only be used in Alterac Valley.
Stormpike Insignia Rank 1-6 Dun Baldar Alliance Trinket 51 A [20-80] Proving Grounds quest chain Ranks 1-4: 2 minutes
Rank 6: None
Can only be used in Alterac Valley.
 [Atiesh, Greatstaff of the Guardian] Karazhan Neutral Staff 60 No longer obtainable 1 minute Originally available via a quest chain from Classic Naxxramas.
Has different versions of the item for Druids, Mages, Priests and Warlocks.
 [Violet Seal of the Grand Magus] Karazhan Neutral Ring 110 N [45D] No Bones About It 4 Hours
 [Captain's Signet of Command] Boralus Alliance Ring 120 Provisioner Stoutforge 300 7th Legion Service Medal 30 minutes
 [Commander's Signet of Battle] Dazar'alor Horde Ring 120 Provisioner Mukra 300 Honorbound Service Medal 30 minutes
Item Destination Faction Level Source Cost Cooldown Notes
 [The Innkeeper's Daughter] <home location> Neutral 1 Archaeology 30 minutes Shared cooldown[2]
 [Headless Horseman's Hearthstone] <home location> Neutral 1 Dorothy, Chub 150 Tricky Treat 30 minutes Available during Hallow's End.
Shared cooldown[2]
 [Lunar Elder's Hearthstone] <home location> Neutral 1 Fariel Starsong 30 Coin of Ancestry 30 minutes Available during Lunar Festival.
Shared cooldown[2]
 [Peddlefeet's Lovely Hearthstone] <home location> Neutral 1 Lovely Merchant 150 Love Token 30 minutes Available during Love is in the Air.
Shared cooldown[2]
 [Noble Gardener's Hearthstone] <home location> Neutral 1 Noblegarden Vendor, Noblegarden Merchant 250 Noblegarden Chocolate 30 minutes Available during Noblegarden.
Shared cooldown[2]
 [Fire Eater's Hearthstone] <home location> Neutral 1 Midsummer Supplier, Midsummer Merchant 300 Burning Blossom 30 minutes Available during Midsummer Fire Festival.
Shared cooldown[2]
 [Brewfest Reveler's Hearthstone] <home location> Neutral 1 Larkin Thunderbrew, Belbi Quikswitch,
Ray'ma, Blix Fixwidget
200 Brewfest Prize Token 30 minutes Available during Brewfest.
Shared cooldown[2]
 [Greatfather Winter's Hearthstone] <home location> Neutral 1 30 minutes Shared cooldown[2]
 [Ethereal Portal] <home location> Neutral 1 Obtainable through the TCG 30 minutes Shared cooldown[2]
 [Dark Portal] <home location> Neutral 1 Obtainable through the TCG 30 minutes Shared cooldown[2]
 [Holographic Digitalization Hearthstone] <home location> Neutral 1 Junkyard Tinkering 30 minutes Shared cooldown[2]
 [Eternal Traveler's Hearthstone] <home location> Neutral 1 Shadowlands Epic Edition 30 minutes Shared cooldown[2]
 [Tome of Town Portal] <home location> Neutral 1 No longer obtainable 30 minutes Originally available during Diablo's 20th Anniversary.
Shared cooldown[2]
 [The Schools of Arcane Magic - Mastery] Vargoth's Retreat Neutral 1  [Higher Learning] none only works in Dalaran.
 [Unstable Portal Emitter] <random> Neutral 1 Vixx the Collector 30 minutes
 [Nature's Beacon] <natural location> Neutral 15 Lorelae Wintersong 50g 1 minute Druid only.
 [Kirin Tor Beacon] Kirin Tor on the Isle of Thunder Alliance 90 A [32-35] The Storm Gathers 10 minutes Only usable in Isle of Thunder or in Throne of Thunder.
 [Sunreaver Beacon] Sunreavers on the Isle of Thunder Horde 90 H [32-35] The Storm Gathers 10 minutes Only usable in Isle of Thunder or in Throne of Thunder.
 [Mobile Telemancy Beacon] Shal'Aran Neutral First Arcanist Thalyssra, Chief Telemancer Oculeth 300g 20 hours Requires Honored with The Nightfallen.
Only works in Suramar.
 [Ultrasafe Transporter: Gadgetzan] Gadgetzan Neutral Engineering 4 hours Requires Engineering (260).
Requires Gnomish Engineer.
 [Dimensional Ripper - Everlook] Everlook Neutral Engineering 4 hours Requires Engineering (260).
Requires Goblin Engineer.
 [Ultrasafe Transporter: Toshley's Station] Toshley's Station Neutral Outland Engineering 4 hours Requires Outland Engineering (50).
Requires Gnomish Engineer.
 [Dimensional Ripper - Area 52] Area 52 Neutral Outland Engineering 4 hours Requires Outland Engineering (50).
Requires Goblin Engineer.
 [Wormhole Generator: Northrend] Northrend Neutral 58 Northrend Engineering 4 hours Requires Northrend Engineering (40).
 [Wormhole Generator: Pandaria] <random location on Pandaria> Neutral 78 Pandaria Engineering 15 minutes Requires Pandaria Engineering.
 [Wormhole Centrifuge] Draenor Neutral 88 Draenor Engineering 4 hours Requires Draenor Engineering.
 [Wormhole Generator: Argus] <random location on Argus> Neutral 98 Legion Engineering 15 minutes Requires Legion Engineering.
 [Wormhole Generator: Kul Tiras] <random location on Kul Tiras> Neutral 110 Kul Tiran Engineering 15 minutes Requires Kul Tiran Engineering.
 [Wormhole Generator: Zandalar] <random location on Zandalar> Neutral 110 Kul Tiran Engineering 15 minutes Requires Kul Tiran Engineering.
Other items
Item/Skill Destination Faction Level Source Cost Cooldown Notes
 [Hearthstone] <home location> Neutral 1 Character creation, Innkeepers 30 minutes[3] Shared cooldown[2]
 [Scourgestone] <home location> (Acherus: The Ebon Hold) Neutral 1 Newly created Death knights 1 hour Item disappears after completing Death knight starting experience.
 [Garrison Hearthstone] Garrison Neutral 90 B [10-40] Establish Your Garrison 20 minutes
 [Dalaran Hearthstone] Dalaran - Broken Isles Neutral 90 N [10-45] In the Blink of an Eye 20 minutes
 [The Last Relic of Argus] <exactly where you want to go> Neutral 1 Archaeology 12 hours
 [Admiral's Compass] Garrison Shipyard Neutral  [Seaman] 4 hours
 [Bladespire Relic] Great Hall, Bladespire Citadel Horde 100 Beska Redtusk 2,500g 4 hours Requires Revered with Frostwolf Orcs.
 [Relic of Karabor] Path of the Light, Karabor Alliance 100 Vindicator Nuurem 2,500g 4 hours Requires Revered with Council of Exarchs.
 [Emblem of Margoss] Margoss's Retreat Neutral 1 Fishing from waters in the Black Market
 [Scroll of Teleport: Ravenholdt] Ravenholdt Manor Neutral 100 Scroll of Teleportation in Hall of Shadows 1 hour Only available to Rogues.
 [Beginner's Guide to Dimensional Rifting] <Ley Line point in Azsuna> Neutral Veridis Fallon 500g 4 hours Only usable in Azsuna.
Requires Revered with Court of Farondis.
 [Adept's Guide to Dimensional Rifting] <attuned Ley Line point in the Broken Isles> Neutral  [Higher Dimensional Learning] 4 hours Only usable on the Broken Isles and Argus.

Non-player teleport

There are a few teleport spells in the game not available to players. Usually, an NPC teleports a player to a different location

Spell Zone Purpose NPC/Object
Teleport to Azshara Tower Azshara Transports to Azshara Tower Sanath Lim-yo
 [Teleport from Azshara Tower] Azshara Transports to Bear's Head Nyrill
Twin Colossals Teleport Feralas Transports to the southwestern of the Twin Colossals Marli Wishrunner
Teleport to Violet Stand Dalaran Transports to Crystalsong Forest Teleport to Violet Stand Crystal
Teleport to Dalaran[1] Crystalsong Forest Transports to Dalaran Teleport to Dalaran Crystal


  1. ^ This teleport crystal cannot be used until the teleport crystal in Dalaran has been used at least once.