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Evelyn Pare

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AllianceEvelyn Pare
Image of Evelyn Pare
Title <Mayor of Fletcher's Hollow>
Gender Female
Race Human (Humanoid)
Level 20-60
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Kul Tiras
Location Timbered Strand, Drustvar
Status Alive

Evelyn Pare is the mayor of the town of Fletcher's Hollow, in Drustvar. The wicker captured the villagers but she and a handful of volunteers managed to hold ground in a hill on the Timbered Strand.




Main article: Hope They Can't Swim#Notes
Main article: Save Who We Can#Notes
Main article: The Curse of Fletcher's Hollow#Notes
Main article: The Three Sisters#Notes


  • Spit it out!
  • What's your business here?
  • Make it quick.
  • Enough chit chat.
  • Alright, then. Back to the fight.
  • The only good witch is a dead witch.


Timbered Strand initial
Ever since these nightmarish creatures started pouring out of the mines, our village has gone to shambles.
I hope you have better luck finding the source of this mess than we did.
Gossip What's happening here?
Well, let's just say that the creepy looking wicker people aren't for show.
It all started a few weeks back with some of the miners disappearing. Then all of a sudden, these creatures started showing up and driving us out of our town. It all started around the time that Waycrest girl started nosing around, but even after she left the problem just kept getting worse.
Now, the things have taken over and have captured most of our villagers to boot. I managed to hold this point with a handful of volunteers, but I've got no idea how I'm supposed to get my town back.
So unless you're here to help, you might as well keep moving.
Gossip I'm here to help.

We appreciate your help, <class>. The situation was looking pretty grim before you arrived.


We haven't been able to get into the mine since that energy started pouring out of it.

That wicker construct you've got control of might be our only hope.


You're back! Please tell me you put that Matron in the ground.

After her quests are completed

The people of Fletcher's Hollow owe you a great debt, <class>.

You go and tend to Miss Waycrest. We'll clean up the remnants of this coven.

Fletcher's Hollow

We haven't been able to get into the mine since that energy started pouring out of it.

That wicker construct you've got control of might be our only hope.

Patch changes

External links

es:Evelyn Pare