Essence of the Iron Vanquisher (quest)

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AllianceEssence of the Iron Vanquisher
Start  [Essence of the Iron Vanquisher]
End Exarch Maladaar
Level 40 (Requires 40)
Type Raid
Category Blackrock Foundry
Rewards See rewards
For the Horde version of this quest, see H [40R] Essence of the Iron Vanquisher.


Obtain an Essence of the Iron Vanquisher.


Redeem your Essence of the Iron Vanquisher with Exarch Maladaar to select an armament of your choice.


You will be able to choose one of these rewards:
Inv chest chain 10.png [Chest of the Iron Vanquisher] Inv gauntlets 29.png [Gauntlets of the Iron Vanquisher]
Inv helmet 24.png [Helm of the Iron Vanquisher] Inv misc desecrated platepants.png [Leggings of the Iron Vanquisher]
Inv shoulder 22.png [Shoulders of the Iron Vanquisher]


Well met, <class>. I see you have acquitted yourself admirably.


<name>, your courage and dedication has made Draenor a safer place. Take these armaments, and may the Light protect you on your journey.

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