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Image of Eranthi
Title <Ally of Arzaal>
Gender Female
Race Man'ari eredar (Demon)
Level 72
Resource Mana
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Penitents
Location Putrid Laboratory, Antoran Wastes[58.92, 23.71]
Status Alive
Eranthi in the Antoran Wastes.

Eranthi is a man'ari eredar located in the Putrid Laboratory in the Antoran Wastes. She is an ally of Arzaal and provides an  [Argunite Cluster] when spoken to upon completion of N [70] Scavenged Artifacts.

She attended the Tishamaat in the Exodar and could be seen giving a lecture to Audrid, Tobin, Curzon, and Torias, and Emony.




Arzaal spoke of you. Has he sent you here?

Gossip Have you found any resources for the krokul?

  • Here is what I have found so far.
  • Take this back to them. It may help.
  • This should aid their efforts.
Eranthi walks away.

Tracking quest

To check whether Eranthi has been interacted with, copy and paste this command into the chat window:

/run print(C_QuestLog.IsQuestFlaggedCompleted(77804))

If a "true" appears in the chat window, Eranthi has been interacted with; "false" indicates the opposite.

Patch changes

External links

Antoran Wastes Exodar