Epoch Ripper

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MobEpoch Ripper
Image of Epoch Ripper
Gender Male
Race Infinite drakonid (Dragonkin)
Level 71 Elite
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Infinite dragonflight
Location Sanctum of Chronology, Dawn of the Infinite
Status Killable

Epoch Rippers are infinite drakonid located in the Sanctum of Chronology in the Dawn of the Infinite.


  • Ability evoker timespiral.png Timerip — The caster rips through time, teleporting to a player's location and beginning to spin violently in a whirlwind. Inflicts 54931 Physical damage every 1 sec for 4 sec to players within 8 yards. Afterwards, the caster teleports back to their original target.

Patch changes

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