Entangling an Elekk

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AllianceEntangling an Elekk
Start Keegan Firebeard
End Keegan Firebeard
Level 35-40
Category Nagrand
Rewards [Garrison Resources] (50)
30g 80s
Next A [35-40] Elekk Training: Cruel Ogres
For the Horde version of this quest, see H [35-40] Entangling an Elekk.


Use the Elekk Lasso on a Young Meadowstomper and follow it until it is tamed.

  • Meadowstomper Tamed
  • Elekk Lasso (provided)


Well, you're pretty good at this whole taming thing. What's next?

We've done big, and we've done pointy. Let's do big AND pointy. I'm talking Elekks.

Way out on the fertile plains of Nagrand, you'll find the finest specimens of beast this world has to offer. Grab one of the younger elekks, and we'll see if we can't get it trained like the Draenei used to.


You will receive: 30g 80s


Quite a big one, but it fits! It's resting, we'll talk about training it tomorrow.

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