Emissary Ba'solo

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NeutralEmissary Ba'solo
Image of Emissary Ba'solo
Title <Cartel Ba>
Gender Male
Race Broker (Humanoid)
Level 50-60
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Cartel Ba
Occupation Ambassador
Location Broker's Den, Oribos
Status Alive

Emissary Ba'solo is a broker located in the Broker's Den in Oribos. Ba'solo frequently has conversations with Opulence Ba'hare.


Occasionally a Discreet Facilitator will drop by for a report
  • Discreet Facilitator says: I must report that the demands of the mortals are pushing the limits of our portal capacity.
Opulence Ba'hare says: Ba'solo, we must expand the reach of our networks.
Emissary Ba'solo says: I shall speak to Ta'saran. His cartel may be able to assist.
Opulence Ba'hare says: Be discreet. No need to disclose our margins. Am I clear?
Emissary Ba'solo says: As you will it, Opulence.
  • Discreet Facilitator says: Opulence, I am happy to report that everything goes according to plan.
Opulence Ba'hare says: Welcome news, but I expect no less.
Emissary Ba'solo says: We may yet profit from these endeavors.
Opulence Ba'hare says: When I profit, we all profit. Each according to their station.
Discreet Facilitator says: Of course, Opulence.
  • Discreet Facilitator says: Opulence. I must report that some of the caretakers are growing agitated about our activity.
Emissary Ba'solo says: We must take appropriate actions to placate them. Nothing can be allowed [sic] interfere with the operation.
Opulence Ba'hare says: When I profit, we all profit. Each according to their station.
Discreet Facilitator says: Of course, Opulence.
Every now and then Ta'mari will drop by
  • Ta'mari says: Reporting in, Opulence. The attendant are asking questions about the portal network, but nothing I can't handle.
Opulence Ba'hare says: Do not underestimate them. I know you are an astute broker, but keep your guard up.
Emissary Ba'solo says: Indeed. The caretakers are also astute, but I trust you, Ta'mari. Keep your associates on track.
Ta'mari says: I will do my best. For the cartel, of course.
Discreet Facilitator says: Of course, Opulence.
When nothing else is going on, Ba'here and Ba'solo will have a chat
  • Emissary Ba'solo says: Thank you for allowing me to accompany you on this pilgrimage, Opulence. The Eternal City is wondrous indeed!
Opulence Ba'hare says: It is impressive, Ba'solo. But it pales in comparison to other works of the First Ones.
Emissary Ba'solo says: You... you have seen their handiwork? The patterns? The geometry?
Opulence Ba'hare says: That is for me to know. I will speak no further of it here.
  • Opulence Ba'hare says: We must take care, Ba'solo. There are limits to the patience of the attendants, and I do not want this opportunity squandered.
Emissary Ba'solo says: Agreed, Opulence. Kah-Delen is more observant than she would have us believe.
Opulence Ba'hare says: Placate their precious Purpose. It is a means to our end.
Emissary Ba'solo says: As you will it, Opulence.
  • Emissary Ba'solo says: Opulence, I have heard tales that long ago the Eternal Ones gathered in the Arbiter's chamber.
Opulence Ba'hare says: Pay no mind to such stories. There is no profit to be found in them.
Emissary Ba'solo says: But are they not the most powerful beings in the Shadowlands? You always say there is profit in power.
Opulence Ba'hare says: When power is coupled with desire, yes. But beings like the Archon and the Winter Queen want only souls. And that, we cannot give them. Yet.
  • Opulence Ba'hare says: This is an interesting time, Ba'solo. We should strive to find the cause of this chaos. Such knowledge may prove useful.
Emissary Ba'solo says: Opulence, do you mean the location of the sepul--
Opulence Ba'hare says: Silence! Do not speak of the grand design!
Emissary Ba'solo says: A thousand pardons, Opulence! Please, forgive my enthusiasm.
  • Opulence Ba'hare says: How do our operations go in the ring above?
Discreet Facilitator says: All goes well, Opulence. The mortals continue to consume.
Opulence Ba'hare says: Fortunate for us that they possess such voracious appetites.
Emissary Ba'solo says: And that you are so shrewd as to turn their desires into our profits.
Trader Ba'telk says: I am growing fond of these mortals. Many possess flexible morals. I can appreciate that.
Trader Ba'gor says: Not sure they would agree. They seem to believe they are the heroes of the story.
Trader Ba'telk says: That depends on who is telling the story, does it not?


  • During early alpha, their name was spelled Emissary Ba'Solo.

Patch changes

External links