Overseer Kah-Delen

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NeutralOverseer Kah-Delen
Image of Overseer Kah-Delen
Title <Will of the Arbiter>
Gender Female
Race Attendant (Humanoid)
Level 60 Elite
Reaction Alliance Horde
Location Oribos
Status Alive

Overseer Kah-Delen is an overseer of the Arbiter's attendants in the Eternal City of Oribos. When the adventurer first arrives in Oribos after escaping the Maw they are escorted to Kah-Delen and Overseer Kah-Sher who were discussing recent reports about the Maw.[1] She introduces the adventurer to the overseers and Oribos and inquires on the adventurer's escape from the Maw which was thought inescapeable. Before she can discuss the matter any further, Tal-Inara, the Voice of the Arbiter, shows up with news of the Arbiter stirring. [2] After Tal-Inara's failed attempt to waking the Arbiter by introducing the adventurer to them, Kah-Delen guides the adventurer into summoning Bolvar Fordragon and some Knights of the Ebon Blade to Oribos.[3] She then helps in directing the adventurer to Bastion, after Bolvar mentions the Mawsworn Kyrians whose abduction of some of the leaders of the Alliance and the Horde led to our arrival in Oribos.[4] She later helps the adventurer go to Maldraxxus after they were able to help in stopping an incursion of Maldraxxus forces into Bastion.[5] When the adventurer returns from Maldraxxus subsequently, they report the events to Kah-Delen, who then directs them to Bolvar.[6]


Arrival in the Shadowlands
The Empty Throne


During the arrival in the Shadowlands

A mortal in Oribos? The Purpose has brought a mortal to us?

After the arrival in the Shadowlands

Welcome Maw Walker. May you find your way in the Purpose.

May I ask that you keep it brief, I have tasks to attend to.

Gossip Do you know what has caused all these souls to be sent into the Maw?

In truth? We do not yet understand why.
This may be the Purpose and we are yet to comprehend this change in its nature.
It may also be interference. It seems like these are not ordinary days.
Arrival in the Shadowlands
Main article: Stranger in an Even Stranger Land#Notes
Main article: No Place for the Living#Notes
Main article: Tether to Home#Notes
Main article: A Doorway Through the Veil#Notes
Main article: Understanding the Shadowlands#Notes
Tidings of War
Main article: The Arbiter's Will#Notes

Patch changes


External links