Elekk Training: Cruel Ogres

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AllianceElekk Training: Cruel Ogres
Start Keegan Firebeard
End Keegan Firebeard
Level 35-40
Category Nagrand
Rewards [Garrison Resources] (20)
30g 80s
Previous A [35-40] Entangling an Elekk
Next A [38-40] Elekk Training: Darkwing Roc
For the Horde version of this quest, see H [35-40] Elekk Training: Cruel Ogres.


Defeat the Gorian Beast-Lasher while riding your Meadowstomper-In-Training.


This beast is surely at home in Nagrand, and I bet ye after all of the years of domestication by Draenei, it's going to be a snap to train.

Let's set it loose against the ogres of the region that yer familiar with. That Gorian Beast-Lasher, the one that smells of blood and fear, go on and see how your elekk reacts to that.


You will receive: 30g 80s


Those poor beasts! I'm glad you two put that ogre out of commission. Check back in tomorrow and we can continue the training.

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