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Echo of Kil'jaeden

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For his character biography, see Kil'jaeden.
NeutralEcho of Kil'jaeden
Image of Echo of Kil'jaeden
Title <The Triumvirate>
Gender Male
Race Eredar (Humanoid)
Level ?? Boss
Reaction Alliance Horde
Location Kil'jaeden's Terrace, Eredath

The Echo of Kil'jaeden appears at Kil'jaeden's Terrace in Eredath during N [45WQ] Bully Pulpit.


My people, I have called you here to share a revelation.
For so long, we eredar have been alone in the universe.
The beacon of our civilization shining bright... upon what we feared was an empty void.
We need not endure this solitude any longer.
The Triumvirate has received a visitor from another world!
He has shown us the path to a new future.
He offers us power unlike any we have known before.
In partnership with our new ally, the light of the eredar will shine bright across the cosmos!
I ask you, now, to raise your voices in praise. Praise Sargeras!


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