Echo of Aella

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NeutralEcho of Aella
Image of Echo of Aella
Title <Hand of Courage>
Gender Female
Race Kyrian (Humanoid)
Level 10-53 Rare
Resource Mana
Reaction Alliance Horde
Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Ascended
Location Agthia's Repose, Bastion
Status Active

The Echo of Aella is an Ascended kyrian located at Agthia's Repose in Bastion. When defeated she will leave behind a Worthy Aspirant's Cache.


  • Inv polearm 2h heirloomspear c 01.png Charged Javelin — Inflicts Arcane damage to an enemy every 1.5 sec for 12 sec.
  • Inv spear 05.png Hurl Javelin — Inflicts Physical damage to an enemy.
  • Inv polearm 2h bastionquest b 01.png Pinning Spear — Stuns all enemies within 2.5 yards of the impact, rendering them unable to move or attack for 3 sec. Inflicts Physical damage to all enemies within 2.5 yards of the impact.

Objective of



Do you think yourself brave, aspirant?

I would ask you to prove it.

Gossip I accept your challenge.

Defend yourself, if you can.
You are indeed worthy. Claim your reward.

Patch changes

External links