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Earn Their Trust

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HordeEarn Their Trust
Start Chronicler Jabari
End Chronicler Jabari
Level 20-60
Category Nazmir
Experience 17,850
Reputation +75 Talanji's Expedition
Rewards 23g 40s
Previous H [20-60] Bad Juju, H [20-60] Off With Her Head, H [20-60] Rescue the Chronicler
Next H [20-60] It Seems You've Made a Friend


Feed the crawgling.


If de young one can be taught to trust, dere is a chance for dis species.

Dey may have been born of bad blood, but is dat what makes dem monsters? If you can build his confidence, a mighty ally he could one day be.

A little care could be de thing, and don't forget food! I think some blood trolls may be extra tasty.


You will receive:




He is sated now! Well done!




  1. H [20-60] A Chance Sighting
  2. H [20-60] Aid the Wounded
  3. H [20-60] Bad Juju, H [20-60] Off With Her Head & H [20-60] Rescue the Chronicler
  4. H [20-60] Earn Their Trust & H [20-60] Crawg Free Zone
  5. H [20-60] It Seems You've Made a Friend

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