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Dreamsoil Tender

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NeutralDreamsoil Tender
No image available
Gender Female
Race Dryad (Humanoid)
Level 70
Reaction Alliance Horde
Location Emerald Dream
Status Alive

Dreamsoil Tenders are dryads located in Emerald Dream.



<Name>. I will tend to the soil here so that you may sprout a Dreamseed Bloom.

Gossip What is a Dreamseed Bloom?

Dreamseeds can be planted in soil across the Dream.
With proper nurturing of Emerald Dewdrops and more seeds, it can sprout into a wondrous Dreamseed bloom, which in turn rewards a Dreamseed Cache.
You can help other adventurers nurture their seeds, and will be rewarded for your contributions in the Dreamseed Cache that blooms.
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Gossip How do I plant here?

Locate the seed within your bags and activate it near soil that sparkles. With patience the seed will be planted. Only one seed may be planted in the soil at a time.
If another adventurer has planted a seed in the soil before you, examine the bloom and contribute a seed or Emerald Dewdrops to help it grow.
If you contribute a seed to nurture another bloom, you shall be rewarded as if you planted that seed yourself.
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Gossip How do I obtain more Emerald Dewdrops?

You will find Emerald Dewdrops where life blooms the most in the Dream!
I know Sprucecrown's life blooming ritual, the Superbloom, will be a plentiful source of dewdrops, if you aid him as he goes.
Additionally, will such chaos in the dream, life energy sometimes surges so powerfully as to drive creatures in an area into a frenzy! When this happens, I suspect you will find great amounts of dewdrops on the affected creatures!
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Gossip How do I obtain more Dreamseeds?

Though Dreamseeds can be elusive, I am certain you will stumble upon some in your journeys.
When in doubt, however, may I recommend lending Sprucecrown a hand during his ritual, the Superbloom? That creaky old Ancient hands them out like candy, if you help him!
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Gossip What is Seedbloom, and how do obtain it?

Sometimes, the bounty from the Dreamseeds is plentiful! Other times, it can seem stubbornly slim. Nature is fickle!
Fear not, my friend, if you have poor luck with the bounty. Seek out my good friend Talisa Whisperbloom in the Central Encampment. She's been collecting the many boons of the bounty for ages now!
I'm sure she'd be willing to part with some. Help her out once a week and she'll give you some Seedbloom, which you can then exchange for a piece from her collection from the bounty.
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