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Dousing the Flames

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AllianceDousing the Flames
Start Mayor Roz
End Mayor Roz
Level 30-60
Category Stormsong Valley
Experience 16,450
Reputation +75 Storm's Wake
Rewards 23g 40s
Previous A [30-60] The Days Are Just Packed
Next A [30-60] Heavy Artillery


Use the  [Water Bucket] to put out 15 fires around the Ruins of Brennadam.

  • Fires doused (15)


The Horde have set fire to my town, <class>. I will make them pay for this.

Stormsong Valley is the breadbasket of Kul Tiras, and our people need to be fed. The first thing we must do is damage control.

Grab some buckets and help put those fires out!


You will receive:


My town is still burning, <class>!


Bombs, fire, Horde. Our town will endure it all.


Pick up A [30-60] Bombs, Away and A [30-60] You Have Their Orders before heading out. While in the area the Bonus objective A [30-59B] The Battle for Brennadam is also available.

One bucket is just northeast of the quest givers at [58.2, 65.7] on the steps from the water to the dock. There are several more around [55.9, 63.2] near the fountain in the center of the quest area.


Optional breadcrumb at Seafarer's Rest: A [30-60] The Days Are Just Packed

  1. A [30-60] Bombs, Away & A [30-60] You Have Their Orders & A [30-60] Dousing the Flames
  2. A [30-60] Heavy Artillery

Other side quests in Brennadam:

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