Doom Weed (Classic)

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For the retail version, see H [1-30] Doom Weed.
HordeDoom Weed
Start Junior Apothecary Holland
End Junior Apothecary Holland
Level 6 (Requires 5)
Category Tirisfal Glades
Experience 540
Reputation WoW Icon update.png+100 Undercity
Bc icon.gif+250 Undercity
Rewards 1s 25c
Previous H [5] Gordo's Task

Doom Weed is a low-level Horde quest in Tirisfal Glades.


Collect 10 Doom Weed and deliver them back to Junior Apothecary Holland.


So you can see the predicament that I'm in, <name>. That thing is out there collecting the wrong weeds! I'll make it worth your while to gather what I need. Bring back to me enough doom weed and I'll give you a suitable reward.

It is my understanding that they like to plague the flora near the mass gravesite, to the north of the Brill graveyard. Hurry and be mindful of the gnolls in the area.


You will receive:


This had better be good. I trust you have all of the doom weed that I require?


Ah, my doom weed. Excellent!

<Junior Apothecary Holland rubs his hands together greedily.>

These will come in quite handy. You've done me, uh, the Lady, a fine service today, <name>. As promised, here is the reward that you deserve.


Just walk around [58, 50] and collect the weed. Watch out for the gnolls.


Patch changes

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