Decommissioning Darkness

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NeutralDecommissioning Darkness
Start Danagh's Cogwalker
End Danagh
Level 73-75
Category The Ringing Deeps
Experience 13,600
Reputation +500 The Assembly of the Deeps
Rewards [Resonance Crystals] x180
46g 80s
Previous N [73-75] Duty of Care & N [73-75] Stone Tracing


Corrupted Golem
A golem sent into the dark too many times may bring something back with it.

Destroy the Corrupted Golem and recover Foreman Arbauch's memory gem.


Decommissioning a machine is a rare necessity. It must be done with care and regret.

We put much of ourselves into our work. To destroy it is to destroy a part of ourselves. In doing so, we admit our failure to protect the Titans' work. But where stone rebels against stone, we must stand firm.

Imperative: Destroy it. Recover Arbauch's memory gem.


You will receive:


Regret. This should have been my burden.


There is no joy in the death of a machine, but I express gratitude. I suspect Arbauch would too.

His decisions were his own, but none can doubt that he devoted his life to the machines. The Titans would be proud.


Upon approaching the Corrupted Golem at a cave in the Living Grotto:

Danagh's Cogwalker says: What is it doing with the memory gem? Stop it!
Corrupted Golem yells: Attempting memory insertion.
The golem is surrounded by Dormant Golems and attempting "memory insertion" on them.
Corrupted Golem yells: Failure. Memory vessel incompatible.

Upon engaging the golem in combat:

Corrupted Golem yells: Scanning target.
Corrupted Golem yells: Error: incompatible memory vessel. Priority: protect gem.
During combat some Dormant Golems will get activated by the Corrupted Golem becoming Unstable Golems and attack.

Upon defeat:

Corrupted Golem says: Protect gem. Protect speaker. Protect...
Danagh's Cogwalker says: Was it trying to fit the gem into a new vessel? Did it think that would bring Arbauch back?
Danagh's Cogwalker says: If only that were true. Come, I will wait at Camp Murroch.

Upon returning to Danagh, he has new gossip:

Did the golem think it could save him? Fighting its own corrupted instructions, even after killing him... I have served the machines for many years, and still I do not fully understand them.

Upon completion:

Danagh says: Boundless gratitude, <name>. I will bring Arbauch's memory gem to the archive.
Danagh says: DelGizmo. Your reluctant assistance proved invaluable.
Clive DelGizmo says: How invaluable we talkin'?
Danagh says: You have my gratitude. That is all.


  1. N [73-75] A Functional Favor
  2. N [73-75] Antifogmatic
  3. N [73-75] Ghosts in the Machine
  4. N [73-75] Undoing the Damage
  5. N [73-75] Duty of Care & N [73-75] Stone Tracing
  6. N [73-75] Decommissioning Darkness

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