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Dazar'ai Juggernaut

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MobDazar'ai Juggernaut
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Gender Male
Race Zandalari troll (Humanoid)
Level 110 - 120 Elite
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Dazar'ai
Location Atal'Dazar
Status Killable

Dazar'ai Juggernauts are Zandalari trolls located in Atal'Dazar.


  • Bulwark of Juju - Calls upon the power of the loa charging the caster's shield causing all nearby allies to have their damage taken reduced by 90% for 5 sec.
  • Bwonsamdi's Mantle - Calls upon the power of the loa to make all nearby allies immune to crowd control effects[sic]
  • Fanatic's Rage - Increases the caster's attack speed by 50% and increases damage done by 20% but also reduces movement speed is reduced by 50% for 12 sec.
  • Gathered Souls - Consumes the souls of nearby trolls upon their death, increasing the Colossus' damage done by 25% and healing it for 25% of the Colossus' maximum life.
  • Merciless Assault - Charges to an area, inflicting 25 Physical damage to all enemies within 8 yards.


  • Protect de priestess! Let no one make it through!

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