Darkmaster's Scourgestone (quest)

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NeutralDarkmaster's Scourgestone
Start  [Darkmaster's Scourgestone]
End Duke Nicholas Zverenhoff, Argent Officer Pureheart, or Argent Officer Garush
Level 1-80
Category Scholomance
Rewards Inv jewelry talisman 13.png Scourgestones
 [Argent Dawn Valor Token]
Shareable Yes
Next N [1-80] Invader's Scourgestones (repeatable)

Darkmaster's Scourgestone starts from the  [Darkmaster's Scourgestone] that drops from Darkmaster Gandling in the Legacy of Scholomance. Complete the achievement  [Memory of Scholomance] to gain access. This is one of the steps required for  [Wards of the Dread Citadel], unlocking secrets within Naxxramas.


Find somebody interested in the Darkmaster's Scourgestone.


<The scourgestone in your hand feels as real as everything else in this memory. It chills your very bones as it rests in the palm of your hand.

While it may be a relic of a past time, the Argent Dawn should nonetheless be made aware of its existence.

The ritual conducted upon Eva's journal may have had greater consequences than either of you anticipated.>


The following will be cast on you:

Inv jewelry talisman 13.png Scourgestones — Unlocks the ability to acquire Invader's Scourgestones while wearing the Argent Dawn Commission for all characters on your account. Replacement Argent Dawn Commissions can be acquired at Light's Hope Chapel.

You will also receive:


A scourgestone? I don't understand. How did you ever find this? After all we have done, here and upon Northrend...

No, it does not matter. I will take it off your hands and ensure its destruction, <name>. Surely this is one of the last in existence. Surely.

If it happens that you find others like this, bring them to me as well. I hope for all our sakes this is the last we ever speak of this.


  1. N [1-80] Darkmaster's Scourgestone
  2. One of:
  3. Quests inside Naxxramas:

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