Many Invader's Scourgestones (Zackett Skullsmash)

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For the Argent Dawn turn-in, see N [1-80] Many Invader's Scourgestones.
NeutralMany Invader's Scourgestones
Start Zackett Skullsmash [55, 49]
End Zackett Skullsmash [55, 49]
Level 1-80
Category Naxxramas
Rewards 5x  [Death's Bargaining Chip]
Repeatable Yes
Previous N [1-80] Inconvenience Fee


I doubt I need to give you the entire spiel about scourgestones, <name>, so I will cut to the chase. I am VERY interested in growing my collection, and you are VERY interested in what I have to offer.

Invader's Scourgestones are rather common, so I ask you bring a decent haul.

And don't tell the Argent Dawn about this! It's our little secret, right pal?


Another batch of scourgestones from my best buddy, <name>! Thanks as always, these will go great with the rest of my hoard. Keep this up, and I will need to find a new place to stash them!

Here's a token for your trouble. I like this little back and forth trading game we got going on here. Let's keep it up.

But no, I am still not telling you what they're for.


You will receive:


  1. N [1-80] Darkmaster's Scourgestone
  2. One of:
  3. Quests inside Naxxramas:

Patch changes

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