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Crumbling Cave Rock

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MobCrumbling Cave Rock
Image of Crumbling Cave Rock
Race Unknown (Uncategorized)
Level 69 Elite
Reaction Alliance Horde
Location Map Chamber, Uldaman: Legacy of Tyr
Status Killable

The Crumbling Cave Rock is located in the Map Chamber in Uldaman: Legacy of Tyr. The wall can be brought down either with Mining or the old fashioned way: Violence. Clearing it away will reveal a Neglected Mole Machine.



The rock wall appears to be more unstable than the surrounding stone.

Someone with the appropriate skill in Mining would be able to find the weak points easily.

Gossip <Discovering the weak points is beyond you. You will have to break this the hard way.> [Requires at least 25 skill in Dragon Isles Mining.]

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