Controlling the Elements

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NeutralControlling the Elements
Start Therazane [56.4, 12.0]
End Therazane [56.4, 12.0]
Level 30-35
Category Enchanting
Experience 12,870
Reputation +250 Therazane
Rewards Formula: Tome of Illusions: Elemental Lords
9g 40s


Retrieve Remnants of Fire, Water, and Air, and reach Revered status with Therazane.


Come closer, <race>.

Ragnaros in the Firelands, Al'Akir in his Throne of the Four Winds, and Neptulon in Throne of the Tides. They have been thorns in my hide since the world was new.

Prove to me your strength over the weaker elements, and I shall teach you how to display your power for all to see.


You will learn: Formula: Tome of Illusions: Elemental Lords

You will also receive: 9g 40s


Prove your mastery over magic and the elements, <race>.


Now the other elements will truly fear you.


The  [Remnant of Water] cannot be looted from Neptulon's Cache on Timewalking difficulty.


Patch changes

  • Legion Hotfix (2016-07-19): The Therazane quest "Controlling the Elements" should again be obtainable for characters who are level 80 and up, and have trained Enchanting.
  • Legion Patch 7.0.3 (2016-07-19): Added.

External links