Coalesced Slagwalker

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MobCoalesced Slagwalker
Image of Coalesced Slagwalker
Race Fire fury (Elemental)
Level 70 Elite
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Primalists
Location Slagfell Hold, Emerald Dream
Status Killable

Coalesced Slagwalkers are fire furies located at Slagfell Hold in the Emerald Dream.


  • Inv elemental primal fire.png Detonate — Consume your fiery essence and explode, dealing 30 Fire damage to all nearby enemies.
  • Spell shaman lavasurge.png Lava Pool — On death, leave behind a pool of lava for 10 sec. Enemies suffer 5 Fire damage and magmatic allies heal for 10 every 2 seconds.
  • Spell shaman lavaflow.png Lava Spout — Inflicts 37 Fire damage to enemies within 10 yards. Knocks all enemies within 10 yards of the caster back. Interrupts casting.

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