Clefthoof Training: Gezz'ran

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AllianceClefthoof Training: Gezz'ran
Start Keegan Firebeard
End Keegan Firebeard
Level 20-40
Category Talador
Rewards [Garrison Resources] (20)
30g 80s
Previous A [15-40] Clefthoof Training: Riplash
Next A [30-40] Clefthoof Training: Bulbapore
For the Horde version of this quest, see H [20-40] Clefthoof Training: Gezz'ran.


Defeat Gezz'ran while riding your Clefthoof-In-Training.


There's plenty more beasts out in the wild that can make a snack of your favorite mount. One of the most cunning on Draenor is the stalker.

Stalkers can blend into their environments, allowing them to sneak in and steal the eggs of nearby prey. See if you and your clefthoof can't overcome this natural defense mechanism. You'll find some mean stalkers out in Talador.


You will receive: 30g 80s


Ye did it! I'm sure your clefthoof's enjoyin' this sort of one-on-one attention. We'll let it rest up a bit.

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