Chains That Bind

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NeutralChains That Bind
Start Bloodmage Lynnore
End Bloodmage Lynnore
Level 50 (Requires 45)
Category Hunter
Previous N Hunter [50] The Burning Beast
Next N Hunter [50] Brought to Heel


Bring 5 infernal chain links to Bloodmage Lynnore in the Blasted Lands.


I have seen this creature you call "Calefactus" many times in my field studies. By all accounts, it appears to be an nigh-invulnerable core hound made from Fel energies.

However, if what you say is true, and the Twilight's Hammer were planning to enslave it, then there may be a way to subdue the beast.

The Shadowsworn, to the south-east, are known to perform dark rituals, including the enslavement of fel creatures. Perhaps members of their order carry a clue to weakening Calefactus?


You will receive:


Have you found a tool to weaken Calefactus, <race>?


Interesting... yes, I can work with this.


  1. N Hunter [50] The Burning Beast
  2. N Hunter [50] Chains That Bind
  3. N Hunter [50] Brought to Heel

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