Brought to Heel

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NeutralBrought to Heel
Start Bloodmage Lynnore
End Bloodmage Lynnore
Level 50 (Requires 45)
Category Hunter
Rewards  [Infernal Lasso]
 [Rune of the Ravenous]
Previous N Hunter [50] Chains That Bind


Bring the fel lifeblood of Calefactus the Unleashed to Bloodmage Lynnore in the Blasted Lands


I have fashioned a tool from the chain links you found. Those of your vocation might call it a "lasso" of sorts.

The energy within this chain is best suited for binding demons, but seeing as Calefactus may be from beyond the dark portal, I suspect it will work on him as well.

If you take him down bring me a sample of his fel lifeblood. Such an anomalous being warrants further study.

Calefactus' current location among these wastes is unknown, but I trust you'll track him down, <class>.


You will receive:


Find that core hound quickly, <name>. Before the Twilight's Hammer finds him first.


Such an exquisite sample! Who knows what mysteries lie in the essence of a beast from beyond the portal?

As thanks, you may keep the lasso. I doubt I'll ever have use for such a thing, anyway.


  1. N Hunter [50] The Burning Beast
  2. N Hunter [50] Chains That Bind
  3. N Hunter [50] Brought to Heel

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