The Burning Beast

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NeutralThe Burning Beast
Start Weathered Etching
End Bloodmage Lynnore
Level 50 (Requires 45)
Category Hunter
Next N Hunter [50] Chains That Bind


Find an expert on the beasts of the Blasted Lands.


The carving before you depicts a two-headed beast emerging from the Dark Portal. Fel-fire spews forth from its mouths. A plaque beneath the image reads: "Calefactus the Unleashed".

Intuition tells you the Twilight cultists may have plans to harness this creature's destructive power for their own aims.

You reason that the next step in your hunt is towards the Blasted Lands. Someone there may know more of this hellish beast.


You will receive:


Tell me more of this beast, <race>. Our interests may be aligned.


  1. N Hunter [50] The Burning Beast
  2. N Hunter [50] Chains That Bind
  3. N Hunter [50] Brought to Heel

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