Centurion Demolisher

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NeutralCenturion Demolisher
Image of Centurion Demolisher
Race Centurion (Mechanical)
Level 60 Elite
Reaction Alliance Horde
Location Cocyrus, Maw [42.5, 45.9]

The Centurion Demolisher is a centurion located at Cocyrus during the N [60B] Kyrian Assault on the Maw. Mikanikos wants the Maw Walker to use the colossus for his N [60] Mine's Bigger quest to defeat a number of Mawsworn constructs in the area.

Inside the vehicle, players have access to the following abilities:

  1. Strongarm Punch 10 yd range — The demolisher punches, dealing 5,581 Physical damage to all enemies in front of the demolisher. Instant (1 sec cooldown)
  2. Centurion Blast 300 yd range — Sprays the area in front of the Centurion with multiple blast of energy, inflicting 6,000 shadow damage and knocking enemies backwards. Channeled
  3. Anima Farshot 100 yd range — Fires a single massive anima charged blast to hit targets far away for 120,000 shadow damage. (1.5 sec cooldown)
  4. Steward Mechanic — Call a Steward Mechanic to mend your Centurion, restoring health. Instant (60 sec cooldown)

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