Cenarion Observer Shayana

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NeutralCenarion Observer Shayana
Image of Cenarion Observer Shayana
Gender Female
Race Night elf (Humanoid)
Level 15-30
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Cenarion Circle
Occupation Observer of the Cenarion Circle
Location Surwich, Blasted Lands[45.7, 88.1]
Status Alive

Cenarion Observer Shayana is a night elf quest giver and a druidess of the Cenarion Circle who patrols the Gilnean town of Surwich, in the Blasted Lands.


At some point the Cataclysm, Shayana traveled to Surwich where she discovered the corruption of the Tainted Forest, and that the demons of the Tainted Scar were rallying around the great tree Maldraz. Sharing the same fears as Charlton Connisport, she was surprised that the mayor sent her Alliance adventurers, but agreed to help them stop Marl Wormthorn and his corruption from endangering the lives of others.[1]

In order to get Wormthorn's attention and break his trance, she sent the adventurers in the Tainted Forest to collect the body parts of the corrupted wildlife, and to combine them into a  [Demoniac Vessel] to accomplish their goal. Once ready, she sent them back to Mayor Charlton Connisport, so they could stop the corruption once and for all.[2]



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