Captain Wintersail

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MobCaptain Wintersail
Image of Captain Wintersail
Gender Male
Race Human (Humanoid)
Level 10-60 Rare
Reaction Alliance Horde
Alliance Horde
Occupation Pirate captain
Location Tiragarde Sound[38, 21]
Status Killable

Captain Wintersail is a human that appears after interacting with Smuggler's Cache in a cave north of Anglepoint Wharf and near Westwind Weald in Tiragarde Sound. He is accompanied by a Blackpowder Smuggler and a Wavecaller Smuggler. After the two smugglers are killed, Wintersail becomes attackable.



Objective of


After destroying the cache
You're not my contact! Get in here, men, there's fresh meat!
Upon killing his companions
Time to take matters into my own hands. I will not let you ruin this operation!

Patch changes

External links