Captain Thomas

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AllianceCaptain Thomas
Image of Captain Thomas
Title <Blue Team Captain>
Gender Male
Race Human (Humanoid)
Level 15-30
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Blue Team, Theramore Guard
Occupation Theramore Guard Captain,
Leader of the Blue Team
Location Theramore Isle
Status Unknown

Captain Thomas was a captain of the Theramore Guard on Theramore Isle, assigned with leading its Blue Team in training sessions and occasionally fought against Captain Andrews' Red Team. It's unknown if he survived the Attack on Theramore Isle, but as a soldier, he was likely killed in combat or from the bomb.


  • During World of Warcraft, members of the Red Team and Blue Team would fight each other, seemingly to train. Unfortunately after a patch a bug occurred resulting in Captain Andrews attacking Alliance players. Unfortunately most players would first encounter Theramore Isle in their early level 30 and upon going near the keep would be set upon by Captain Andrews, who had a remarkable aggro radius due to his high level. In order to prevent him from slaying players, the Red and Blue teams no longer combat each other.

External links

es:Capitán Thomas