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Buzzkill (Alliance)

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Start Wizbang Cranktoggle
End Wizbang Cranktoggle
Level 50 (Requires 50)
Category Darkshore
Reputation +150 7th Legion
Rewards 200x [War Resources]
For the Horde version of this quest, see H [50] Buzzkill.


Repair 4 Buzzboxes in Darkshore.

  • Buzzbox repaired (4)


Some nefarious no-goodnik is tampering with my Buzzboxes!

I've been trying to get the Buzzbox network back online since we were able to drive the Horde out of Darkshore, but I'm getting no reading from boxes 456, 627, 111, and 854! I'd be willing to bet that some stragglers from the Bilgewater Cartel are to blame!

See if you can get those Buzzboxes back online, will you? We'll need their readings if we ever want to permanently fix the corruption problem here.


You will receive:

You will receive:
Inv faction warresources.png 200x [War Resources]


Are the Buzzboxes back online?


You did it! The Buzzbox network is back online!

Now, if I can only remember the passcode to this thing we'll be in business!





Patch changes

External links